Birth to Five Illinois Releases Statewide Report
September 20, 2023
Birth to Five Illinois has released a new statewide report that provides a high-level overview of the strengths, needs, and recommendations most common across the 39 Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessments released this summer.

Birth to Five Illinois has released a new statewide report that provides a high-level overview of the strengths, needs, and recommendations most common across the 39 Early Childhood Regional Needs Assessments released this summer.
The most prominent needs identified were
- more affordable and available slots in ECEC programs,
- more livable and fair wages for ECEC professionals,
- more mental health services for children age 5 and under and their families, and
- a more efficient way of gathering information/data, pertaining to children and resources.
Recommendations include
- creating more publicly funded center-based programming (particularly in rural areas) for children, especially for those age 2 and under,
- developing a more streamlined referral service among ECEC providers, and
- providing more specialized care providers (i.e., speech and physical therapists) in classrooms.